Historic Site Guide
Touro Synagogue
Newport, RI
Touro Synagogue may be the place to work for you if you are interested in meeting people from all over the world, love history, and enjoy public speaking. We are seeking guides to present a scripted tour of the synagogue. The Touro Synagogue Foundation tour guide staff serve as Touro Synagogue’s public face – providing information, hospitality, and orientation to visitors of all ages and backgrounds. More importantly, they are responsible for sharing Touro’s living legacy with visitors from all over the region, across the United States, and beyond, in the form of tours for the general public, schools, and other groups. In these tours, guides share the remarkable story of America’s oldest synagogue and the great ideas, like liberty of conscience and religious diversity, that Touro Synagogue has come to embody and symbolize.
Guides work as a team, presenting every other 45 minutes during a shift. Shifts vary with the time of year but are usually no more than six hours. Flexibility is required, as is a commitment to work in the summer and fall seasons. The primary season runs from May through October. Guides generally work from nine to eighteen hours per week.
Email resumes to: tours@tourosynagogue.org.
EMPLOYMENT TYPE: Seasonal/Part-time